Friday, November 19, 2004

Does anyone have the foggiest idea of the way the political limerick goes that includes the line "i'll embrace your elephant if you kiss my ass?" I'm stymied and I can't come up with it.

Still working on the pregnant sisters mistakes have been made since I had to frog most of it, thank gawd. (I was just about to take a photo of it and discovered both sets of camera batteries are dead, it'll have to wait until they are charged.) It looks kind of like an extremely large basic granny square. Not in any obnoxious colors, a nice understated charcoal gray, done with an "H" hook, so it's fairly tight.

Missed the SnB last night due to Carlin's usual large volume of homework. Oh well, she has a nice long winter vacation coming, the end of December to early March. We have the multi-track year round school schedule to thank for that. I should be completely hairless on my head by about mid-January, because her boredom will be all my fault!

For all of you locals...we have an Atwater SnB this Sunday 2-4pm ish. Don't forget 8-)


Anonymous said...

There is a limit to homework! Maybe you and some of the parents should get together and look into it. Poor Carlin, she's always swampt with it.

I did that with Cara, and you know what....the homework load lightened up! I peronally think some of the teachers do it to get revenge - but this doesn't count the "few" WONDERFUL totally devoted teachers out there who truly want to help their students.

Tell Carlin to look in at the casket shop - they have a new "wicker" style! :-> Just saw it last night.


Anonymous said...

Sadly, I don't know the "elephant" poem. I saw it the other day in a newspaper, too, but didn't copy it down or write it out.
This is what put together myself. It is NOT the exact version of the poem.

"The voting is all over and
"The ballot count is known
"The true will of the people
"Is well and truly shown
"So let's reach hands across the aisle
"And 'Give 'er the gas'
"I'll embrace your elephant
"And you can kiss my ..."