Tuesday, March 14, 2006

"Whip it good"

I think I may finally have a new crochet assignment. I haven’t felt all that inspired since the completion of holiday gifts from last year. I do much better with a purpose.
Thomas’ friend/coworker is getting married in May and I thought I would make them an afghan. At this rate I need to do what my friend Tevana does and “whip one up.” I think it may be acceptable to give newlyweds their gift up to several months after the wedding so I may not be as pressed for time as I think. Any ideas for a pretty and not so complicated afghan pattern are graciously welcomed! If I’m not careful the choosing of the pattern might take longer then the afghan itself.

I’m still working on my green bag that I want to felt. I didn’t like where it was going so I ripped it out on Sunday. All that single crochet gone in a matter of minutes. I think I was making it too big, crochet felts differently, like in not as much as knitting and that bag was just too ginormous. At the rate I was going I would’ve had to order more yarn and that would not jive with the cheapskate in me. I already have enough of the stuff. I must avoid ordering any more yarn for that particular project at all costs.

I missed the SnB on Sunday and I really wanted to go. I woke up feeling pretty crappy. This cold weather we've been having makes all normal aches and pains feel about 10 times worse.


Anonymous said...

I think you can give wedding gifts up to a year after the wedding and still not be considered late.

I sincerely hope there is such a provision for thank-you notes, since I still haven't sent out half of mine...

Anonymous said...

Dixie is right. You have 1 year to send wedding gifts out. So there's no rush at all. :)

tb said...

I say think of shorter deadlines and you'll get it done sooner. Those two I was going to "whip out," the recipients told me no rush...they're still not done!

As for patterns, I have a book of birthstone afghans. They're really nice patterns and the look of some of them don't bespeak the simplicity of the patterns. I'll bring it with me on Thursday.

You will be there, right? Are we celebrating for Carlin?