Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
Fun Guy

This morning as I was out taking a walk with our dog Farkle (she is nearly 14) I saw this really cool tree fungus that I just had to include in the 'ol blog. It was about a foot in diameter and the brightest yellow. In my neck 'o the woods you definitely don't see cool stuff like this every day.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Beaming with pride...and a little envious to boot.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
They are out of their Vulcan minds....
Friday, November 18, 2005
- "FUGLY"...."thanks Clare and Tevana and Carlin for NOT saying anything," Danielle said, in a very sarcastic way.
- Scratchier then "Scotts Brand" toiletpaper on a baby's bottom
- HUGE. It fit me with room and it was supposed to be for a 4 year old.
I ended up making this hat instead: (I used "Ricochet" by Moda Dea. I'm happy with the results. I took a cockeyed picture, it really is shaped much better then this and it WILL fit a four year old)
I took a little trip to Echo Park's very own "third world yarn store/magazine stand" the other day and I bought a few balls of my favorite Mexican yarn...
Currently, i'm using the red for a scarf for me to wear on Thanksgiving...i'm making it using the "Arabesque stitch" the camera user (me) couldn't quite capture the stitch pattern very well but here it is anyway:
and the chocolate brown will be used for a scarf/holiday present made using this pattern.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
I almost forgot....
(and NO that's not me, though I am feeling 90 years old at the moment)

Friday, November 04, 2005
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Off kilter
I'm getting nervous about the holiday projects so I'm trying to do things that take no time. The people that they are for do not crochet or knit so they have absolutely no concept of how long or short of a time they take. I feel like I'm duping the commoners. Oh well. The sham will continue.
My Grandmother commented about a week or so ago, using her best Jewish guilt, about how she would love to have another scarf for the cooler weather. Here's the part that got me...I think she feels like why would people, grandchildren included, want to do things for her out of the goodness of their hearts? She offered to pay me for it! I feel so cheap. Like a Crochet Whore...I told her to leave the money on the nightstand.
Grandmother's scarf:
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Happy "All Saints Day "
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
Sweater, fini!

and here is the sweater:

Thursday, October 20, 2005
What I need.
- Danielle needs to be attuned to how she is feeling
- Danielle needs to let the Social Security Administration know ( what do they need to know? See #8 of this list)
- Danielle needs to make announcement at October meeting for volunteers to make phone calls (Phone calls people! Make phone calls!)
- Danielle needs some advice about IUI pregnancy please! (ummm no, I don't)
- Danielle needs to stop making stuff up. :-)
- Danielle needs to be abused (in a good way)
- Danielle needs four wheel drive
- Danielle needs to retire (comfortably, with lots of money)
- Danielle needs to raise £1000 to cover flights, food and Team UK uniform (what the hell is Team UK? Dixie? Anyone?)
- Danielle needs another bath
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Here is my progress so far....

The funny thing about certain crochet patterns, usually the stuff that is free, is that you have to look past the obvious dorkiness of it's appearance in the photo . This sweater was no exception. I hope that my visualization skills have not let me down and the end result will be what I have envisioned. Time will tell.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005
I'm still here. I have been a flake in ALL aspects of my life as of late. Not just in the blogging department. I've been super non-committal about everything. Sometimes I think it's just easier that way.
I've been working on some projects. In case you haven't heard...the frigging holidays are coming. Which means... holiday projects. Yay.

Little girls hat, for the niece...

Oh, and i've become semi-suicidal with my latest urge to knit. I'm making a baby sweater for one of my nephews with size 4 needles. Oy vey. At least it's a smallish piece. That ought to satiate my urge to knit for awhile. After it's completed I plan on trying socks. Hopefully, Dixie
the Guru of socks, will come through with that beginning pattern we talked about at last Sunday's SnB.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
"Very hot and still the air was, Very smooth the gliding river, Motionless the sleeping shadows" Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I also found myself over the last couple of weeks to be very affected emotionally by the situation on the Gulf Coast. Just when I thought I was incapable of having those types of feelings toward humankind I have an emotional breakdown that seems to just go on and on.
The cooler weather means that I will again have to pick up TDB (the damn blanket). The occasion for which I need to present that present is fast approaching. However, i'm sure it will have to be late. My mother's birthday was last Tuesday and i'm near completion on her obligatory gift, a shawl. The blanket has re-entered the queue right after that. Photos are forthcoming.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
"Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple."

Thank you for doing that for me gals. It really meant alot and I was truly touched.
Claire brought me this...

I actually LOVE the scent of Lavender of which there is a lot of it in it. Reminds me of the relaxing cool down part of Yoga class which is very calming.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Aversion Therapy

Hat made from some type of
"Moda Dea" can't for the life
of me remember what it's called...

Scarf made from
Crystal Palace "Glam"
I'd also like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to my mom. 36 years ago today she was finishing up 24 hours of hard labor just to be able to bring me into this world. (Talk about aversion therapy!!!) Ummm, thanks!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
This Blog entry brought to you by the letter "K"
While she was at camp she rekindled interest in a craft she learned long ago. We have already had to go to 'Michael's' for supplies...I am taking the liberty of photographing her projects for her since she has been a slacker with her own blog.
Thomas and I went to the Dodger game a week or so ago and we both noticed something somewhat interesting. Usually, on the scoreboard they will record the pitchers strikeouts with the letter "K." That was not changed. However, they won't usually put them right up next to each other (for the first three) when the batters have struck out for fear of being 'socially incorrect.' Apparently, Dodger Stadium has changed it's policies. Either that, or not only are their sponsors "Budweiser", "US Bank", "Toyota" et al....but it now appears the "KKK" wants in on the action, too.
Last Thursday's SnB had a birthday theme. It was Tevana's Birthday. I didn't get a picture of Tevana (for some strange reason) but I have one of her i'd like to post. I think it was a self portrait.
I did however manage to take one of Claire eating her fabulous piece of Tiramisu(that Toni brought)...Um, hello....Miss Manners, I have a candidate for you :-)
The totally amazing Tiramisu or the obligatory picture of the birthday cake....
Nothing much to report along the lines of crochet projects. I'm still working on the "Damn Blanket." I have made some progress, though. I'll post photos when i'm done.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Timing IS everything
Monday, July 18, 2005
Off to camp...
Our little girl is growing up. Thomas, Carlin and I are so close that we found today to be a little difficult in terms of letting go and saying goodbye. I am a little verklempt about it all. So I will just post pictures and captions for now.
Carlin with the "deer in the headlights" look. Notice how the wilderness background lends itself to the authenticity of the wildlife reference.
Health check. Apparently, this camp is VERY selective and won't admit any polydactyl's. I think it's for insurance reasons.

At last, Carlin's gal pal's and cabin mates.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
The Frenzy
There really was NO rush this morning...
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Monday, June 20, 2005
Finally, a picture!
Here is the poncho I made for the niece awhile back....When we were out in Vegas I finally got to see her in it.
Friday, June 17, 2005
Shaken but NOT stirred
Speaking of (not so funny) toilet humor...
I didn't feel the one we supposedly had last Sunday. We, combined with our upstairs neighbors were dealing with a major plumbing emergency. I was busily bailing raw sewage out of our toilet that was rapidly trying to overflow. Fun. I think if there had been an easy pain- free way of committing suicide at that moment I would have.
Needless to say, we have had cocktail hour at the Davis residence every night this week, so nice and relaxing. Not to worry, it's not time to do the AA intervention yet.
I missed the SnB last night. I fully intended on going but got home and was so tired. I just couldn't do it. I'm sure I would have sat there staring into space and been no fun at all.
Still trying to make a dent in my stash. Hats, hats and more hats...and I can't post a frigging picture, yet.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
By the way, i'd like to direct your attention (if you haven't already seen them) to the most inspired pair of hand knit socks I have ever seen over at Dixie's blog. They are truly amazing and the reason I will NEVER attempt to knit socks :-)
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
the way I have chosen to store it all. Bags, bags and more bags. Clearly, this is not working for me. I need to investigate a better solution for my organizational woes. The amount of yarn that I possess will probably generate many hats and scarves (I'm thinking holiday's and birthdays). Unfortunately, my past yarn purchasing habits have not yielded enough yarn in any one color for a substantial size project. It was ALL impulsively purchased in insufficient quantities for anything of note. Unless of course I wanted to make one hideously gigantic scrap afghan. NO Donut afghans either. Thanks anyway Karen :-) *i'm assuming that would have been her comment*
Monday, May 30, 2005
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
I'm currently still working on that black scarf I started several days ago which I thought would take me a day or two. Black yarn is not my friend. Too hard to see. I do love the black yarn, though. Must make more things with black yarn!
Monday, May 23, 2005
Projects I'm working on include:
Scarves and more scarves (good for 'de-stashing'). Not sure why, I think I'm unconsciously planning for the holiday's already. Sickening.
Still trying to complete the hubby's afghan, it's just been too hot. Not like he would want to use it yet, anyway.
I also started a new project for the hubby, can't really say what it is though, on the off chance that he actually reads this on occasion. I was going to surprise him for father's day but it may be more like his birthday (September) by the time he receives it :-)
I finished the snake that I made for my nephew. It turned out so cool, if I do say so myself. I'll have a picture of it up soon.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Damnit, damnit, damnit!
I have managed to pursuade hubby to take a sick day tomorrow so he can stay home with Carlin and I can go into the office for the morning and get some much needed work done. Weird that I'm actually looking forward to that. I just need a break.
There is a bit of a funny anecdote to go with the title I have chosen for this blog entry. When I was a little girl and still sitting in a highchair, my parents (when they were still married) and I went to dinner at "The Sizzler". Apparently, I became impatient (again with the lack of patience, do you see a trend?) because I couldn't pick up a garbanzo bean, or something to that effect. I took my arm, in one sweeping motion and flying saucered my plate across the restaurant while simultaneously yelling at the top of my lungs, "damnit, damnit, damnit!"
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
What is my blog missing, aside from better punctuation and more interesting reading. Photos! For the last few months i've been handicapped by our slightly slower IBM Thinkpad. All of our software programs are not loaded on to it for fear it might spontaneously combust. At least that's my fear. Hubby would and has said, "It should be fine." Not too sure if I buy that. I have trust issues. Therefore, I have not loaded anything remotely related to the digital camera on to it. That may change, soon. My impatience is taking over. Our desktop computer is laying next to me in near fatal condition. It's motherboard has died an awful death and we are waiting for the good people at "Such and Such Computers" to ship out our new one. Can't wait for it to get here so my computer geek husband can perform the necessary surgery.
Carlin has Pneumonia. Last week she had what may have been the flu which has turned into something much worse. The poor child has had what any normal person would deem a high or significant fever for a week now. Yesterday, she was at the doctor and got some antibiotics. If it doesn't clear up in a couple of days her doctor would like her to have some chest xrays and then not too sure what else after that. I'm just a teensy bit stressed out by it all and I feel bad that she has felt totally crappy for this long. She also seems depressed. She misses her daily and not so daily routine. School, friends, SnB's etc...
Needless to say, even though I have been at home with Carlin and faced with endless amounts of housework I have pretty much chosen to ignore it and crochet instead! At least I have my priorities straight. Pictures to follow, with possibly even more actual blogging. Stay tuned...
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Not helpful...
I have projects that I'm still working on: mom's throw, baby blanket, hat and booties for sister's unborn and a scarf that I'm knitting thrown in for a little distraction from the larger projects that occasionally feel a bit monotonous and are getting less and less portable due to their size.
I was also told today by "C" that I was not helpful when it was my advice she asked for in the first place. I don't believe I ever promised that my advice would always be correct. Advice is inherently subjective anyway. It is only ever correct if it's what you want to hear.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
You're such a teenager!
Happy Birthday Carlin. We love you!
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Cancel the milk carton alert.
Stay tuned.