Friday, November 18, 2005

There is a large little hat that shall remain pictureless. Some of you saw me working on it at the last Sunday SnB. Let's just say making that thing turned into the worst idea on the planet. Here are the reasons, bear with me, list's are big these days and I am a bandwagon jumper...

  1. "FUGLY"...."thanks Clare and Tevana and Carlin for NOT saying anything," Danielle said, in a very sarcastic way.
  2. Scratchier then "Scotts Brand" toiletpaper on a baby's bottom
  3. HUGE. It fit me with room and it was supposed to be for a 4 year old.

I ended up making this hat instead: (I used "Ricochet" by Moda Dea. I'm happy with the results. I took a cockeyed picture, it really is shaped much better then this and it WILL fit a four year old)

I took a little trip to Echo Park's very own "third world yarn store/magazine stand" the other day and I bought a few balls of my favorite Mexican yarn...

Currently, i'm using the red for a scarf for me to wear on Thanksgiving...i'm making it using the "Arabesque stitch" the camera user (me) couldn't quite capture the stitch pattern very well but here it is anyway:

and the chocolate brown will be used for a scarf/holiday present made using this pattern.

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