Monday, May 23, 2005

Had a really nice time at the SnB yesterday afternoon. It was me, Tevana, Christine and Carlin. Always interesting conversation. ( I think Cara stopped by for a moment, though I'm not sure. I looked up from the scarf I was working on and she was already out the door.) At one point the conversation gravitated towards our plan for our beloved pets remains after their lives on earth have been completed. It stemmed from a website we have been talking about, . Interesting, though I could see Tevana's eyes glaze over, she's not really an animal person, not too sure if she could wrap her brain around the whole keeping of a pet remains thing. When we got home Carlin told me how uncomfortable the whole discussion made her feel. She did not like talking about the death of past or present pets. I just feel that when the death of my pets happens as it is inevitable, I will probably be close to inconsolable and want to know of all of my options for when the time comes. I have a need to be prepared and an inherent fear of the unknown.

Projects I'm working on include:

Scarves and more scarves (good for 'de-stashing'). Not sure why, I think I'm unconsciously planning for the holiday's already. Sickening.

Still trying to complete the hubby's afghan, it's just been too hot. Not like he would want to use it yet, anyway.

I also started a new project for the hubby, can't really say what it is though, on the off chance that he actually reads this on occasion. I was going to surprise him for father's day but it may be more like his birthday (September) by the time he receives it :-)

I finished the snake that I made for my nephew. It turned out so cool, if I do say so myself. I'll have a picture of it up soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to see the pic of the snake. Is it stuffed? Sorry we made Carlin uncomfortable with our talk.
