Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Happy Hump Day.

It seems like many of my favorite people have officially or unofficially taken their blogs on hiatus. You know who you are. Just about every morning I plant myself in front of the computer with a huge steaming bowl o' joe in anticipation of combing through the many blogs I read (some are listed to the right and some are not)
When the posts aren't new it totally bums me out dude.


I need your opinion, please feel free to comment at will.

Are crocheted bookmarks lame? I know they can be, but are there exceptions?

(If I ever ask this question of doilies feel free to just kill me.)


tb said...

LMAO! Having recently made a knitted bookmark, for which I never got a response, I don't know. I thought it was a bit bulky for an actual book. I think if you're going to make them think thread....and I'll try to update my blog soon.....I've actually got to work at work now! Ugh! Oh gawd, did I just assume mine is one of your favorite blogs?

Anonymous said...

There's nothing intrinsically lame about a crocheted bookmark, but I never use bookmarks that are thicker than a piece of paper. T is right -- think thread, or move on to a different idea. Crocheted book covers? Cooler.