The horror... and I KNOW why the cow is laughing...
Carlin and I were at Ralphs Supermarket about a week ago and bought a SEALED package of the Laughing Cow Creamy Swiss Cheese. I stress sealed because all of it was, the packaging was not questionable. Carlin unwrapped one of the foil wedges, after she had already consumed a few and the is what was LIVING inside:
You think the company is scared? You better freaking believe they are. Comments? Opinions on what you think we should do? I would appreciate them.
Does anyone have any ideas for a more "User Friendly" Blog? Blogspot's interface is not that easy to use and my whole Blog has decided to arbitrarily shift the box that I had on the right side down to the bottom of the page and I don't for the life of me know how to fix it. It's driving me crazy!
I've done little projects here and there...more hats, a pair of bootie slippers, finished a poncho and I need to start one for my of those things to follow.....
1. Public school builds character. Yours and Carlin's. ;)
2. No idea on what to do about the cheese, but it sounds like the right people are appropriately freaked out.
3. Blogger is probably the *best* (as in, powerful) free blog available, but there are easy, less powerful options. (evil and annoying, but very easy to set up) (less intuitive interface, uglier templates, but also free and reasonably simple)
TypePad is probably the best for both ease of use and tastefulness, despite not being free. I understand the desire not to spend money on yet another hobby, however. ;)
-- Dixie
Typepad, $8.95/month. Much easier on the head, the cost of it is less than therapy!!!!
See, I'm still around and haven't forgotten you.
Tell Carlin the good thing about the cheese is that the bug is WHOLE and not half a bug. :->
Really, really trying for tomorrow night!
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