Friday, August 20, 2004

Went to the SnB last night and had a great time. Really nice bunch of people that attend and the conversations are always interesting. It's really become a sort of "right of passage" for Carlin and I. We love it, gets us out of the house and gives us perspective and inspiration when we see what others are working on.
I started a "ripple" afghan, this very opinionated women who teaches crochet and knitting once told me I should NEVER do a ripple afghan because SHE was personally sick of seeing people do them, well you know what? I'm making one by golly! My motivations behind it are that I like them and we actually have a need for some blankets for the cooler weather. Here's where I am with it, so far...

We are still trying desperately to find homes for the rat babies, who incidentally, are so cute and rambunctious... a friend of mine told her summer intern about the babies and she is adopting two. Yay!
The babies get to go and live in San Francisco, lucky babies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor lady, she got her "ripple wine" confused with "ripple afghan" - no wonder she was sick! Ha, ha.

Have a great weekend.
