Saturday, October 21, 2006
Teetering on the brink...
Why you ask? A week ago last Wednesday I had a bit of a mishap. I took one of my patented ankle turning falls. It's where you are walking like a normal, almost coordinated person and then all of a sudden your ankle gives way from under you and you fall (usually, but not always because of uneven pavement or something challenging like that). Not a nice compact sort of a fall (if there is such a thing) but a sprawled out, you've injured every inch of your body kind of fall. I have done this about 20 times in my life and my ankle and the ligaments that surround it are permanently weakened, which is why it continues to happen. This time though I decided to do my hand in, too. I landed on it on some raised brick, hard. My palm and my thumb were completely purple and swollen. So swollen that I couldn't move my thumb and hand at all. It turned out that I dislocated my thumb. Yes, ouch. I was going to take a picture of it for the blog but it was too horrifying and I just couldn't do it. Suffice to say my bruised and battered body is on the road to recovery. I have noticed though that the older you get the longer the healing process takes.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Carlin started high school earlier this month and she seems to be taking it in stride, so far. She told me one of the stranger parts of it is actually being in a class where some of the boys are actually sporting beards and mustaches. I guess that would be weird when you’ve come from middle school and most of the boys still have their baby teeth and barely come up to your waist.
Over the summer I started taking public transportation to my dad’s office, where I work a couple of times a week. I have to say that I love not having to always be a slave to my car and spending so much on gas. It takes me an additional 20-30 minutes but I spend it knitting or crocheting. I love a situation that allows for multi-tasking. It makes me feel so efficient. Plus, Al Gore would be so proud of me.
I was recently inspired by a West Hollywood SnB member to make a few scarves for people that have been sent by “El Diablo” to needlessly fight in Iraq. This was big for me because I always felt that if I were to do something charitable like that for the troops, it would make it look like I was a supporter of the decision to send them there and I couldn’t be more diametrically opposed to that. I have recently realized that because of some media sources that are actually “fair and balanced”, many if not most of the people being sent over there don’t actually agree with the choice and would really rather not be in Iraq away from their lives here.
Photos of stuff to come.
Oh, and if you are a MOTT…Happy New Year!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
It's hug a huge squishy cat Tuesday!

Why is that Kate Pierson from the B52's? No's Carlin at the hair salon. They had to use the "special" Marge Simpson hair dryer for girls with Marge Simpson hair.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
August has been a blur.

Long time no blog updates. Lately, I have really only felt like reading other blogs and not participating in my own. I have been knitting more then crocheting as of late but I can't post any pictures of the recent projects because they are holiday presents. Ugh, the holiday's...I'd have to say that is the suckiest thing about this hobby, the fact that if you are a holiday gift maker then you have to actually acknowledge holiday existence this early in the year and those of you that know me already know how much I hate the holiday season. Turns out it's almost as much as I hate birthdays. I managed to almost completely ignore mine this time around, which I think means I can say i'm still the same age again this year. Bonus! It's a rule I read somewhere. Really. I swear.
Have you seen these guys? This is totally impressive and I wanted to include it. Have your sound up a bit. It's so cool.
Monday, July 31, 2006
The cooler weather, albeit lovely, has come too late. I have already melted.
I'm still around, just don't feel too much like blogging these days. I think the heat has burned and seared the lobes in my brain responsible for kindness, patience and all things knitting and crocheted.

The main purpose of this particular blog entry was to wish my friend Tevana a happy belated birthday! I didn't forget and I hope it was great!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I love them. I hate them.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My sock. Yipee. Kinda wonky, ask me if I care. Clearly I need some practice but this will be my first pair. It took about 20 restarts to get to this point and there is NO WAY in hell i'm starting over, again. These socks may have brought out my OCD-ness more then ever. Letting go now of some unrealistic (for me) ideal of what a perfect sock should look like. Must move forward.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Not my socks.

Carlin made these (for her dad) out of Koigu and I am so impressed.
I have also been trying to make socks but it turns out that I apparently have eight extra thumbs I wasn't aware of. I have literally started and restarted my sock no less then 15 times.
I have $%^&$# it up in ways you probably have never seen. Yet still I crave making them and I am still trying.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Quick, someone lend me a baby!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Look Ma..I'm not ALL thumbs!
Here is a picture of the bag progress thus far. No pattern for it. Just tailoring it to my wants and needs. We'll see how it goes.

Friday, May 26, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
"I think i'm turning Japanese, I think i'm turning Japanese, I really think so..."
I got the initial pattern for it from Crochet Me and took some creative license. They were super fast, worked up in way less then an hour, easy and pretty darn fun. A nice brainless, not too thinky project. The cool thing was that I only had to buy the thread for it, everything else I already possessed.
Can you say i-n-e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e... I love that.
For Mother's Day Carlin created one of her Amigurumi for me. So cute. She is a bleached blonde, bubblegum snapping, japanese pop star. I just love her. She reminds me of those japanese girls that dance backup for Gwen Stefani.
Continuing the Japanese theme....(try and have sound for this) So sweet.Friday, May 12, 2006
"You Made Your Poor Defenseless Pet Wear What?"
Here is my very first official unofficial entry.

Comments about this puppy's dilemma can be directed to KAREN
"Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl..."
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Happy Hump Day.

It seems like many of my favorite people have officially or unofficially taken their blogs on hiatus. You know who you are. Just about every morning I plant myself in front of the computer with a huge steaming bowl o' joe in anticipation of combing through the many blogs I read (some are listed to the right and some are not)
When the posts aren't new it totally bums me out dude.
I need your opinion, please feel free to comment at will.
Are crocheted bookmarks lame? I know they can be, but are there exceptions?
(If I ever ask this question of doilies feel free to just kill me.)
Friday, May 05, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Please Note: This IS actual pictoral proof that my brain has finally exploded.

Things should be calming down though. We finally got Carlin's acceptance letter for the Magnet High School that she applied to...but not before representatives from said school came to her current school and freaked she and her high acheiving friends out by telling them that there were only 90 spaces available to the entire gifted student population of the LAUSD and that chances were somewhat slim that any of them would be getting in. Great. Thanks for making my kid even MORE panic stricken. You know the old saying "shit rolls downhill" I'm smack dab at the bottom of that hill.
Chocolate Bobbles is almost due and progressing...slowly. Ugh, I just want that thing to be done.
Finally got a very preliminary phase one version of the Baby Intelligence Agency Ebay store open for business. The button is to the right if you feel like visiting. Currently, we are only offering Brainy Baby DVDs but as a search for more product continues that will change. We also have plans for much bigger and better things off of Ebay. Although this is all very exciting it is also a major source of stress for me right now.
I just have to remember to breathe and crochet of course!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Shameless promotion and other blathering.
I'm still working on the chocolate bobble-licious afghan. I'm dragging my feet with it. Let's just say it isn't the most fun thing to work on. It's actually downright boring. It's so large and cumbersome, because i'm desperately trying to keep it pet hair free that it's become a chore. It's definitely no longer portable so I have had to start some other peripheral projects that can be toted around.
I started the "Cupcake" top for Carlin. It's a cute little top from the Happy Hooker book. The only other person that I know that could wear it is Clare. Cap sleeves are not for everyone. Like Tevana says,"Just because they make it in your size doesn't mean you should wear it."
I've also made a couple of pairs of Moroccan slippers, from Fabulous and Flirty Crochet. They were super easy and hopefully make great Mother's Day gifts. Hopefully.
Speaking of Tevana, congratulations on the new job, I don't know what it is but it has to be better then the dreck you were slogging to before. Can't wait to hear about it and how you left "The Fund".
I want one of these...(not the guy, I have one.) (not even the dog really, I have two.) but I still think it's great...
Have a fabulous day!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Tax Trouble?
(Please make sure you have sound.)
Thursday, March 30, 2006
It's all about not doing my taxes.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006
And now, a message for our sponsor...

I just received the book “SweaterBabe.Com’s Fabulous and Flirty Crochet by Katherine Lee.” I love the fact that crochet is finally beginning to get the credit and validation it deserves. This book is no exception. It is spiral bound so it lays flat; it starts off with all of the obligatory crochet basics which any beginner would find an invaluable resource. From hook sizing and pattern reading to yarn weights, abbreviations and international crochet symbols (which are so useful for deciphering pattern stitch diagrams).
The projects are conveniently arranged throughout the book by level of difficulty: beginner, intermediate and advanced. The pieces are very clearly photographed on models in a section of the book separate from the patterns, which makes for a very lovely presentation. The actual patterns themselves are clearly and concisely written and are easy to follow. I only wish that the patterns included plus sizing.
The last section in the book contains a detailed stitch glossary; complete with easy to follow diagrams of all the required stitches mentioned in the book. There is also a page dedicated to the yarns used in all the projects. The yarns are photographed at their actual size so that substituting is easy.
Katherine Lee does a magnificent job with pattern creation. She truly has an eye for contemporary design elements. From the Tortoise Handled Purse, which is beautiful (I want to make it right now!) to the Shawl Collared Wrap Cardigan which is amazingly gorgeous. The book is a wonderful resource for those of us that are hungry to create more then toilet paper covers and doilies
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I started the wedding present afghan. Easy pattern. Taken from the book that Tevana lent to me (Thanks Tevana!) Birthstone afghans. I actually wound up picking my birthday month afghan, not because it was my month, but because it seemed easy and I have already memorized the ultra-simple pattern repeat. For those of you that actually know me, the memorization thing may serve to impress. I chose to do it in the ever economical "Perfect Match" in espresso and I think it's turning out nicely and that yarn, particularly in the espresso, is way softer then I remember.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
"Getting old ain't for sissies." ~Bette Davis

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
"Whip it good"
Thomas’ friend/coworker is getting married in May and I thought I would make them an afghan. At this rate I need to do what my friend Tevana does and “whip one up.” I think it may be acceptable to give newlyweds their gift up to several months after the wedding so I may not be as pressed for time as I think. Any ideas for a pretty and not so complicated afghan pattern are graciously welcomed! If I’m not careful the choosing of the pattern might take longer then the afghan itself.
I’m still working on my green bag that I want to felt. I didn’t like where it was going so I ripped it out on Sunday. All that single crochet gone in a matter of minutes. I think I was making it too big, crochet felts differently, like in not as much as knitting and that bag was just too ginormous. At the rate I was going I would’ve had to order more yarn and that would not jive with the cheapskate in me. I already have enough of the stuff. I must avoid ordering any more yarn for that particular project at all costs.
I missed the SnB on Sunday and I really wanted to go. I woke up feeling pretty crappy. This cold weather we've been having makes all normal aches and pains feel about 10 times worse.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
To annoy or pester; vex.
"I am a tease."
Friday, February 17, 2006
What I got for Valentine's Day...
Carlin made me this Amigurumi cat for Valentine's Day. I named him Burl Ives.
I also got an amazing card from the husband which I cannot share :-)
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Arrested Development.

I love watching movies or tv that have surprise crocheting or knitting related references in them. I was watching the Arrested Development finale and saw this (thanks Tivo!) If you have ever watched the show then you already know how absolutely funny Tobias (David Cross) is... and this, this makes him that much funnier...
On the almost better then sex front...
Our mail carrier brought this to my front door yesterday.
Monday, February 06, 2006
I'm at a standstill with my projects. Nothing really new to note. I am waiting for some Wool of the Andes from Knitpicks in avocado and fern for what I hope winds up as a fabulous (possibly felted) bag.
I am VERY excited though...Carlin has started to "make" some friends! See below.

Aren't they adorable?
You may also remember that Carlin was working on projects for her dad and I for the holiday's. here is a picture of Thomas in his lovely sweater, he wears it all the time.
and one of him in his way cool ear flap hat....(I'm quite sure he is going to totally appreciate the amount of pictures he has in my blog.)
Oh, and the last thing today. I really do want Carlin to start blogging again and I though it would serve her well if we all inundated her email with nagging and berating so that she will feel the obligation. Her email is . Please help me help her!