Yesiree, it has been a 'few minutes' since my last blog entry. Carlin is back from Camp and she had a fabulous time. Though, I think she is happy to be home. Last I heard she does want to go back next summer. So, all in all...a success!
While she was at camp she rekindled interest in a craft she learned long ago. We have already had to go to 'Michael's' for supplies...I am taking the liberty of photographing her projects for her since she has been a slacker with her own blog.

Thomas and I went to the Dodger game a week or so ago and we both noticed something somewhat interesting. Usually, on the scoreboard they will record the pitchers strikeouts with the letter "K." That was not changed. However, they won't usually put them right up next to each other (for the first three) when the batters have struck out for fear of being 'socially incorrect.' Apparently, Dodger Stadium has changed it's policies. Either that, or not only are their sponsors "Budweiser", "US Bank", "Toyota" et al....but it now appears the "KKK" wants in on the action, too.

Last Thursday's SnB had a birthday theme. It was Tevana's Birthday. I didn't get a picture of Tevana (for some strange reason) but I have one of her i'd like to post. I think it was a self portrait.

I did however manage to take one of Claire eating her fabulous piece of Tiramisu(that Toni brought)...Um, hello....Miss Manners, I have a candidate for you :-)

The totally amazing Tiramisu or the obligatory picture of the birthday cake....

Nothing much to report along the lines of crochet projects. I'm still working on the "Damn Blanket." I have made some progress, though. I'll post photos when i'm done.