Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving...and go and eat in mass quantities, I won't tell.

Carlin fractured her elbow yesterday, she can't knit or crochet for awhile and is somewhat down in the dumps about it all. She's in pain and i'm totally stressed out over it. She fell while running in P.E. , 1st period on Wednesday. So no sooner did I drop her off at school that I got a call from the nurses office telling me that I needed to come and get her.

I finished the poncho for the sis (can't post a pic yet, the computer has been stripped down to the bare bones programs for now)... i'm in project Purgatory and i'm not sure what to start next.

Raise your hand if you will be one of "those people" that'll be shopping at 6am tomorrow. Just curious, because seriously, it won't be me. Zzzzzzzz.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Does anyone have the foggiest idea of the way the political limerick goes that includes the line "i'll embrace your elephant if you kiss my ass?" I'm stymied and I can't come up with it.

Still working on the pregnant sisters mistakes have been made since I had to frog most of it, thank gawd. (I was just about to take a photo of it and discovered both sets of camera batteries are dead, it'll have to wait until they are charged.) It looks kind of like an extremely large basic granny square. Not in any obnoxious colors, a nice understated charcoal gray, done with an "H" hook, so it's fairly tight.

Missed the SnB last night due to Carlin's usual large volume of homework. Oh well, she has a nice long winter vacation coming, the end of December to early March. We have the multi-track year round school schedule to thank for that. I should be completely hairless on my head by about mid-January, because her boredom will be all my fault!

For all of you locals...we have an Atwater SnB this Sunday 2-4pm ish. Don't forget 8-)

Friday, November 12, 2004

I love the idea of a Stitch n' Bitch and I frequent them pretty regularly but I find that i'm having a hard time with the combination of the two on a technical level. I've come to find that I pretty much can't do both at the same time, stitching and bitching that is, and it's primarily because I like to look at a person when they are speaking to me. I'm making a poncho for my newly pregnant sister's birthday present and today I ended up ripping out a good 2 hours worth of it because I wasn't paying enough attention to what I was doing at the SnB last night. Whoops.

By the way....
What's the moratorium on removing "Kerry for President" bumper stickers? Doesn't matter, i'm not taking mine off.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I have decided that after the "news" of this a.m I am going to unplug myself from anything that the right leaning media feels necessary to spew. I know that sounds like "sour grapes" but I can't help that. I must unplug so that the news does not plummet me any further into the depths of despair. I realize that as the saying goes," keep your friends close and your enemies closer" applies here, but I need to get away. For me and the people that I choose to surround myself with, the outcome of the election has been an extremely bitter pill to swallow. At this point, I'm not sure how to come to terms with the loss that at least 50 million people are having to deal with. I am overwhelmed with emotions that include but are not exclusive to: anger, hate and depression. I need time. I have at least 4 more years to figure it out. "The Truth is Out There" and some of us, after we heal, will want to focus on it again.